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Sr No Brochure Name Select Brochure
1 Datalogger
2 Remote Monitoring Unit
3 Global Radiation Sensor
4 Ultrasonic Wind Speed Direction Sensor
5 Par Sensor
6 Thermopile Pyranometer
7 Pan Evaporation Sensor
8 Air Temperature & Relativr Humidity Sensor
9 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor
10 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
11 Mechanical Wind Speed & Direction Sensor
12 Soil Temperature & Moisture Sensor
13 Multilayer Soil Temperature & Moisture Sensor
14 Soil Temperature Sensor
15 Mobile App
16 AWS Station
17 Distress Alert Transmitter (DAT)
18 GPS Module
19 UHF Satellite Transmitter
20 MSS Terminal
21 Cross Yagi Antenna
22 QHF Antenna
23 Tethered Black Box Satellite Transmitter (TBSAT)
24 Dust Sensor
25 Breast Cancer Detector (BCD)
26 Infrared Thermometer (IRT)
27 Pulse Oximeter (POM)
28 Sonde balloon
29 Radiosonde Ground System (ASAC 5750)
30 Radiosonde Transmitter (ATMS-3710)
31 Radiosonde Weather Station (ASAC 5751)
32 Radiosonde Receiver Antenna (ASAC 5800)
33 Drifter Buoy

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